It's time to get to the root of your health issues using data-driven nutrition and lifestyle protocols.
If you’re struggling with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), Histamine Intolerance, or Autoimmunity — you’ve come to the right place!
You’re tired of band-aid solutions when you know there’s a deeper root cause.
Sound familiar?
Your intuition is telling you it’s time for a different approach than taking prescription after prescription.
You feel something’s wrong, something’s off. But your labs keep returning normal.
You tried fixing it yourself but it’s not enough. And now it feels like your wheels are spinning.
I’ve been there too, my friend.
Hi there, I’m Nicole Dube.
As a certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner and Clinical and Holistic Nutritionist, I focus on using food as medicine with the support of functional lab testing and natural supplementation.
I’ve spent over a decade helping people recover from histamine intolerance, mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and autoimmune issues.
At Forging Health, my mission is to help you create a vibrant, healthy life from the inside out.

Wondering If You Have MCAS?
If you have histamine-related issues and you’re curious if you might have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), take the quiz to get more details and see what my suggested next steps are.
What I Offer
1:1 Personalized Coaching
Expect highly personalized, data-driven coaching and lifestyle protocols on nutrition, stress levels, sleep habits, movement, and other factors that contribute to your health and healing.
Self-Paced Online Courses
Depending on your budget and learning preferences, a self-paced online course might be exactly what you need right now!
Book Your Qualifying Call
Schedule a 20-minute qualifying call where we can dive into your healthy journey and goals. It’s an opportunity to be truly heard!
Determine Your Unique Needs
Say goodbye to the one-size-fits-all approach. We’ll determine your unique path based on your symptoms and testing.
Start Seeing Real Results!
While following your individualized plan, you’ll see real results and finally live the life you deserve.
On-The-Go Low Histamine Foods for a Healthier You
A healthier you starts in the kitchen! Grab these low-histamine foods that are perfect for on-the-go. Quick ideas to help you start living a healthier life today.

Healthy & Thriving
“I have been working with Nicole for almost a year and I couldn’t have found her soon enough. She has expertly helped me navigate the most difficult time in my life after other health practitioners were at a loss with how to proceed. I am forever grateful that she has come into my life and I recommend her to everyone who wants to feel their best.”
— Lauren from Connecticut
Ready to take the first step?
It’s time to uncover what’s holding you back and start living a healthier life. All you need to do is book a 20-minute qualifying call. Let’s talk about what’s going on for you and how I can help!