Nothing excites me more than waking up daily and teaching people how to use nutrition and a functional health approach to heal their bodies.
I’m a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, State-Certified Dietician-Nutritionist, Double Board-Certified Clinical and Holistic Nutritionist, and the founder of Forging Health. I support people on their healing journey, using a combination of nutritional coaching, functional health strategies, and a personalized roadmap.
Want to know the secret to fully healing? Looking at your body as a whole. Your mind, body, and spirit. If one’s misaligned, it can create a domino effect on your health. True holistic healing is about creating balance in all areas of your life.
It’s my mission to empower and teach you how to create a vibrant, healthy life and to help you feel whole, engaged, and joyful every single day in all aspects of life.
My Health Journey
I’ve faced some pretty tough health challenges in my life — it’s why I’m so passionate about helping people like you. I feel what you’re going through so deeply. I know what it’s like to have numerous health issues and no answers. It was exhausting and downright scary.
Just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse, it did.
Over a decade ago, I received a vaccination and experienced my first anaphylactic reaction. It cascaded into a complete body breakdown over the following months. At one point, I experienced anaphylactic and anaphylactoid reactions to almost everything I ingested and couldn’t sit, stand, or walk without my heart rate skyrocketing and fainting. I was down to 4 foods, lost 90 pounds, and was hospitalized for over a month. I was rendered totally disabled for the better part of a year.
I was subsequently diagnosed with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) and Postural Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) and advised to go on disability and learn to live with it.
Crazy, right?!
I threw myself into all the nutrition and medical research I could find and started advocating for myself. I vowed that if I found a way to heal from Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, I would make it my mission to help others do the same.
With the power of nutrition, functional lab testing, and targeted supplements, my body began to heal — and slowly but surely, I got my life back!
I understand what it’s like to have your world turned upside down by illness and its effects on family, relationships, and work. And I know the physical, emotional, and financial toll it takes on you.
Today, I want to encourage you to take charge of your health! Because you deserve better than what you’re living.
I’ve devoted myself to the practice of "food as medicine" and helping others heal using functional health practices and nutrition. With the power of whole foods, healthy lifestyle habits, and the right support, you can restore your health and live the life you're meant for!
But I knew with every fiber of my being I could get better.

“Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.”
My Top Credentials
Certified Nutrition
Specialist (CNS)
State-Certified Dietician
Nutritionist (CDN)
Board-Certified Holistic
Nutritionist (BCHN)
Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practioner (FDNP)
Even More Training & Certifications
Master’s degree in Health Policy & Administration, University of Chicago
Master’s degree in Human Nutrition, University of Bridgeport
Advanced FDN Courses: Oxalates, Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis, Mitochondria, Blood Sugar Management, Foundations of Herbalism, Organic Acids, Stress and Hormones, and Thyroid Function
Certified Gut Thrive Practitioner — The Whole Journey, Inc.
Certified Leap Therapist (CLT) — Oxford Biomedical MRT Food Sensitivity Testing
Certified Eating Psychology Coach — Institute For The Psychology of Eating
Certified Gluten-Free Practitioner — Dr. Tom O’Bryan
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) Expert Practitioner Training Course – Kendra Perry
Reiki Master Practitioner – Heart 2 Heart Healing Center
Integrative Energy Therapy (IET) Practitioner – Heart 2 Heart Healing Center
Medical Intuitive Certificate Program – PSYCHE Institute For Higher Learning
Parasite Cleansing Mastery Course - Wellness Code Academy

I offer a 20-minute qualifying call where we can get to know one another — think of it like having virtual coffee together! Share your current health concerns, and I'll explain what working together looks like. No pressure at all. I want what’s best for you!